报告日期、时间和当前船位,格式范例:202108/211450UTC/2933N/12312E//; Report date and time, Current ship′s position,
format example: 202108/211450UTC/2933N/12312E//
上一港名称、离港日期和时间,格式范例:SINGAPORE/202108/112150UTC//; Last port of call and departure time, format
example: SINGAPORE/202108/112150UTC//;
下一港名称、预抵日期和时间,格式范例:SHANGHAI/202108/251830UTC//; Next port of call and estimated time of arrival,
format example: SHANGHAI/202108/251830UTC//;
船载卫星电话号码,格式范例:00870773156389//; Satellite telephone number, format example: 00870773156389//;
所载危险货物的正式名称、联合国编号(如无联合国编号,标注NA)、污染类别(如不适用,标注NA)、装载量(吨),格式范例:BENZENE/1114/Y/50000//。 Shipborne
dangerous goods technical terms, UN number, IMO hazard class or classes, Cargo dead weight, format
example: Petroleum crude oil/32003/X/50000//;
对于任何不适用的项目,应填写“NA”。 'NA' should be filled for any item which is not applicable.
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